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The 117th General Merchandise Conference: 2024 outdoor products industry market development status and competition pattern, future trend analysis


  The 117th Department Store meeting learned that in recent years, the scale of China's outdoor products market has shown a steady upward trend。The market scale of China's outdoor products industry has exceeded 100 billion yuan, and continues to maintain rapid growth。Outdoor equipment refers to some equipment that needs to be configured when participating in various adventure tourism and outdoor activities。这些装备包括:帐篷、背包、睡袋、防潮垫或气垫、登山绳、岩石钉、 安全带、上升器、下降器、大小铁锁、绳套、冰镐、岩石锤、冰爪、雪杖、头盔、踏雪板、 高山眼镜、羽绒衣裤、防风衣裤、毛衣裤、手套、高山靴、防寒帽、冰锥、雪锥、炊具、炉具、 多功能水壶、吸管或净水杯、指北针、望远镜、等高线地图或其它资料、防水灯具、刀具等。


  Outdoor goods industry market development status and competition pattern analysis


  The 117th Department Store meeting learned that according to relevant data, the size of China's outdoor goods retail market in 2023 reached 262.200 million yuan, an increase of 3.43%。It is expected that in the next few years, with the increasing enthusiasm of consumers for outdoor activities and the continuous innovation of industry technology and the diversified development of products, the scale of outdoor products market is expected to further expand。It is expected that by 2025, the scale of China's outdoor products market will continue to expand at a double-digit compound growth rate, close to 600 billion yuan。


  The outdoor goods market covers tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, outdoor clothing, hiking shoes, stoves, lamps and other products。From the market segment, skiing, water sports, camping and fishing sports occupy a large share, respectively, 20.41%、19.58%、10.89%和6.88%。Outdoor clothing is still the largest category in the market, accounting for 46%。With the differentiation of outdoor sports, different types of outdoor products are also facing different market demands and challenges。


  The competition pattern of China's outdoor goods market shows a "pyramid" shape。The high-end market is dominated by international brands such as Pathfinder, Columbia, etc., which dominate the market with high-quality, high-performance products。While domestic brands are mainly concentrated in the mid-end and mass market, the competition is fierce。Nevertheless, some domestic brands such as Pathfinder and Sanfu Outdoor are gradually narrowing the gap with international brands by continuously improving product quality and design。


  From the perspective of geographical distribution, China's outdoor products related listed companies are mainly distributed in Zhejiang Province, with a total of 20。Beijing and Jiangsu Province ranked second and third, with seven and six, respectively。This reflects the difference and concentration of the outdoor goods industry in different regions。Consumers not only pay attention to the basic functions and quality of products, but also increasingly pay attention to the comfort, safety and environmental protection of products。This diversified demand has driven the continuous innovation and upgrading of the outdoor goods market。


  Outdoor products industry future development trend forecast


  With the progress of science and technology, outdoor products will pay more attention to scientific and technological innovation and quality improvement。New technologies such as smart wearable devices, lightweight materials and high-performance fabrics will be widely used in the field of outdoor products to improve the functionality and comfort of products。This will provide consumers with a better and more convenient outdoor experience。


  The 117th Department Store understands that the market continues to show a trend of segmentation, and more targeted products have been developed for different consumer groups and outdoor sports types。For example, for hiking, camping, cycling, skiing and other mass outdoor sports, the market has emerged a large number of specialized and differentiated products。With the rise of e-commerce and the change of consumer shopping habits, the integration of online and offline has become an important trend in the outdoor goods industry。Enterprises strengthen online marketing and promotion through e-commerce platforms, social media and other channels, while improving the service level and experience quality of offline stores to provide consumers with a more convenient shopping experience。


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  Source: China Research Network